Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pearce's Nursery

Pearce's Nursery update

Here are a few more pictures of Pearce's nursery. John David's sister Julie made the beautiful bedding and matching window treatments. Isn't she so talented?

Fickling Baby Shower

May 21, 2009
Fickling Shower for Pearce

Two Thursdays ago, my sweet co-workers at Fickling threw Pearce a baby shower. It was a lot of fun, and Pearce got lots of great gifts. I felt really bad because John David ended up being the only man there. He got the inside peek at what us ladies do at showers. I was really happy that he was able to come. Here are a few pictures from the shower.

Monday, May 18, 2009

A few more Nursery Pictures

Pearce's Nursery

We are working steadily on the Nursery trying to get ready for Pearce's arrival. Here are a few pictures to show our progress.

John David's sweet and talented sister Julie made the gown in the middle, she is also making all of Pearce's bedding and window treatments. She is an amazing seamstress. There will be more pictures of the bedding to follow. It is looking great!

This is a cabinet that John David and I painted to match Pearce's room.
Pearce's bed with all his gifts that I need to organize!

Baby Shower for Pearce 5-9-09

Shower for Pearce 5-9-09

My sweet friends from church threw us a shower 2 Saturdays ago at Elizabeth Leslein's house. The hostesses were

Elizabeth Leslein
Elizabeth Hall
Carlie Bridges
Julie Johnston
Sarah Miller
Annette Ashley
Leslie Jackson
Everything was so nice, the food was amazing and the decorations were so cute! They all did a fantastic job. Kudos to Leslie for the creative candy pacifiers, there is a picture below.

Pearce will be one well dressed baby, he got lots of beautiful things! Thanks to everyone that came and thank you for all the wonderful gifts!!!!

Candy PacifiersJohn David's Mom, Barbara Miller, Me, My mom, Carol Pearce Pearce's loot

Monday, May 4, 2009

Getting the Nursery Ready

The last week I have been painting a canvas for Pearce's room. Here are some photos of the progession of the project and the final result. We are checking off the list of items, painting closet doors, hanging light fixtures, and painting furniture. Only 57 days to go!!! Yay!!! We are both getting very excited. I also have my first shower this weekend and cannot wait :)